Estacaille Genealogy One Name Study

My True Ancestry Review

MyTrueAncestry tribal percentages

A bit deeper understanding of tribal roots

I had a very interesting Friday afternoon last week when I finally met in person an area resident who may be a distant Judas cousin.  Distant as beyond 6th cousins – we both have AncestryDNA tests as does my mom, my Judas connection.  None of us are showing as matches. Now, that could be due in part that AncestryDNA cuts off most of the matches lower than 8 cM or thereabouts.  I’ve also checked known male cousins on my Judas branch to see if they have a DNA match to him, and none are showing.

During our conversation about families, he was telling me about how he’d submitted his DNA kit to and got his estimate on the percentages for deeper ancestral origins. 

MyTrueAncestry is a 3rd party service that allows you to upload your raw data files from Ancestry, 23andMe, MyHeritage, etc.   They have a basic free plan, viewable for 59 hours, that provides a small glimpse of your calculated ancestry.  How accurate are the reports?   As with all DNA kits, you have to remember it’s an estimate that will vary over time as they update their comparison data.

While Ancestry, 23andMe, MyHeritage compare your DNA to population areas that  ====

MyTrueAncestry uses data from academic databases, ancient samples from archaeological digs, to use for comparisons. They state that they currently have 250 ethnicities, more than the usual you’d find on Ancestry, etc.

I upgraded my account from the free preview to the next level up (was on sale 50% off for abt $24 CDN). There are 7 plans that you can upgrade through, unlocking more reporting and allowing uploads of more kits.

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AI avatar from MyTrueAncestry They have an AI avatar generator which could be fun, but the free version would take a lot of photo tweaking to look better.  (Black & white warrior shot on the left). After creating that one, I remembered that MyHeritage has their AI Time Machine and I have an active subscription. So I uploaded 10 photos to the Time Machine and the software generated 94 photos. One of the great ones, from their Greek category, is this colour image. Greek AI avatar from MyHeritage Time Machine

I had some fun going through the mapping of the DNA Tartans as a major part of my DNA is Scottish. I have a brick wall on my 4th great-grandmother, a Morrison, so it gives me a bit of a boost seeing these as well as the DNA Castles and Royal Ties Globe. Again, how accurate is hard to say as their data is pointing to generations far beyond what I’ve been tracing to date and it is pretty limited in what they will show you at the lowest paid level.

Below, you can see a sample of the reporting  on the website.

MyTrueAncestry DNA breakdown
DNA ancient tribe percentage report
My True Ancestry royal ancestral home chart
My True Ancestry mtDNA breakdown report